International Womens Day

Women's health is both a health issue and a gender issue. At the International Women's Day, WHO draws attention to important efforts in research and health, for and by women. Health issues have a huge impact on women´s possibilities to patyiciapte in sociaty and working life. 

Gedea Biotech works for women's health through the treatment of pelvic infections. We want an openness about this health problem at the health seeker, at workplaces or among family and friends. Most people know someone who suffers from a pelvic infection and wants to be able to support their loved ones in a good way.

Read the full article from WHO Celebrating Women
kartaGedea Biotech AB
Medicon Village
Scheeletorget 1
223 81 Lund
Annette Säfholm, CEO
+46 (0) 708 - 91 86 81

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