Gedea Biotech wins the "Rapidus company of the year" award

PRESS RELEASEArets Rapidusforetag

Gedea Biotech has been awarded the prestigious award "Rapidus Company of the Year". The ceremony was held at Rapidus annual "birthday party", Thursday April 28th. This title has been awarded annually since 2001 and companies such as Cellavision, FlatFrog, QlikTech and Camurus have all been awarded. Rapidus awards companies that are the “Big Industries” of the future, i.e. small companies with potential, according to their harsh criteria.

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kartaGedea Biotech AB
Medicon Village
Scheeletorget 1
223 81 Lund
Annette Säfholm, CEO
+46 (0) 708 - 91 86 81

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