
Equality and sustainability are our most important guiding principles and influence all areas of our work. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), antibiotic resistance is a growing problem and one of the biggest threats to global public health. Our mission is to make a sustainable contribution to global womens health and thereby limit the unnecessary use of antibiotics.
Gedea Biotech is working hard to help achieve three of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals:
Health goals

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

The contribution made to society by women and girls is facilitated by good health. Vaginal infections are limiting, both physically and socially. With pHyph, girls and women can get access to an effective and antibiotic-free treatment for vaginal infections.


Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

The WHO regards antibiotic resistance as a global threat to public health. Gedea is actively contributing to the UN’s third Sustainable Development Goal by developing an antibiotic-free treatment for vaginal infections. It is also hoped that in the long term pHyph may be able to reduce the risk of premature birth.


Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Antibiotics that are carried in wastewater out into the sea and watercourses have a negative impact on both plant and animal life. Gedea’s products are entirely free from antibiotics and not harmful to plants or animals. 

kartaGedea Biotech AB
Medicon Village
Scheeletorget 1
223 81 Lund
Annette Säfholm, CEO
+46 (0) 708 - 91 86 81

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